Woodlands School
Woodlands School in Basildon is a new build stand-alone extension block to the existing school providing vocational facilities for approximately 50 students.
The new build block consists of a hair salon, a construction workshop, beauty & nails, meeting rooms, group rooms, offices, and classrooms.
Working in partnership with Skanska, Bower Fuller was responsible for the installation of the mechanical and electrical services. As the school remained open during the programme, close liaison with the school staff was required to minimise any disruption.
Mechanical incoming services to the new build block were taken via cut ins to the existing school boiler room for MCWS, and the LTHW heating was taken from the existing boilers and header arrangement via underground trenches installed in Flexenergy, Flexalen pre insulated mains. Further mechanical services included mechanical ventilation, comfort cooling to the salon and beauty and nails rooms, domestic water services, localised heating via radiators and radiant panels to the construction workshop.
Electrical services comprised of main and sub-main distribution, lighting, power, fire alarm, voice and data communications, security system and lightning protection.
The mechanical and electrical package was handed over in advance of the contractual completion date. This enabled the school to take early occupation of their new facilities.