Willowbrook Primary School
Built in the grounds of the old school building, which will be subsequently demolished, this new school building provides its 210 pupils a wonderful teaching facility.
Laid out as a gentle curve, the six classrooms face in a southerly direction to maximise natural light and the sloping roof promotes natural ventilation.
Working with the Main Contractor, May Gurney, Bower Fuller was responsible for installing the mechanical and electrical services.
Mechanical services included the radiator based heating system which is supplied by gas boilers. Solar panels mounted on the sebum roof provide preliminary heating to the domestic hot water system. Further energy conservation is achieved by employing ventilation for rooms and offices on the north face of the building provided by heat recovery ventilation units.
Electrical services provided by Bower Fuller include general lighting, emergency lighting, LV power and distribution, access control, fire alarms, data and CCTV.
With its concrete slab construction, sebum roof and numerous sustainable features the building is expected to obtain a “very good” BREEAM rating.